Posts tagged Jez Butterworth

Not to put on the school teacher hat, but let's pose a few questions and directions.  Raise your hand if Johnny Depp has let you down since 2003 when he hit the big time playing Captain Jack Sparrow and became a caricature instead of an actor?  Alright.  That's most of you.  Now, how many times did he let you down?  Twice?  Five times?  More than five?  Wow.  That's still a lot of hands.  Last question, how many of you miss Johnny Depp, The Actor who made us marvel as a serious performer back in films like "Blow" and "Donnie Brasco"  Yup, that's everyone.  Rest assured, class, "Black Mass" is here.

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"Get On Up," the new film from "The Help" director Tate Taylor breaks away from a good chunk of the formula and cliche pitfalls that beset biographical films.  With the casting of lesser-known Chadwick Boseman and the flavor by which it does its time-hopping, "Get On Up" succeeds in those two extra qualities that I like to see in a really good biopic.  For that, the film separates itself nicely from the rest of the pack as one of the best biographical films in recent memory.

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