Posts tagged Adam Scott
MEDIA APPEARANCE: Guest on the "Underrated Podcast" loving on "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"

Two fine gentlemen of strong opinions that I've conversed with and debated often through my participation over at the Feelin' Film Podcast are Gabriel Green and James Hamrick, the creators and hosts of the "Underrated Podcast."  Their aim is field listener and guest selections of films that fit the underrated billing reflected either by low box office results or low critical review aggregate scores.  My pick and our show's topic was Ben Stiller's 2012 film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

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Not to put on the school teacher hat, but let's pose a few questions and directions.  Raise your hand if Johnny Depp has let you down since 2003 when he hit the big time playing Captain Jack Sparrow and became a caricature instead of an actor?  Alright.  That's most of you.  Now, how many times did he let you down?  Twice?  Five times?  More than five?  Wow.  That's still a lot of hands.  Last question, how many of you miss Johnny Depp, The Actor who made us marvel as a serious performer back in films like "Blow" and "Donnie Brasco"  Yup, that's everyone.  Rest assured, class, "Black Mass" is here.

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MOVIE REVIEW: They Came Together

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that we might have a new entry into the pantheon of parody classics with the recent release "They Came Together."  The new comedy from director David Wain, best known to audiences for "Wanderlust," "Role Models," and "Wet Hot American Summer," checks all of those above boxes for being a great parody.  The film is packed with smart humor, joke complexity, clever approaches, and an elaborate sense of storybuilding and delivery that most parodies lack.  Best of all, Wain assembles a near-perfect cast of his old pals, led by Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler, that never cease to entertain.

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