Movies That Help When You're Depressed  


Movies That Help When You're Depressed  

by Pamela Foster

Sometimes a person who is going through a serious mental illness or issue may want to consider taking a look at some of the most popular movies for handling this particular feeling. It is quite common for people to express that they are attempting to deal with emotions like this, but they don't always know where to turn as far as making sure they get the help that they need to combat those challenging feelings. According to motherhoodcommunity, the chemicals and molecules our bodies produce directly impact what we feel, how we think, how we react, and how we perceive, or how we “read” our environment. Thus, it is necessary to make sure you have a better idea of how to get the help that you know you are going to need to deal with something like this.

Do Movies Really Help with Mental Health Issues?

It is certainly a stretch to say that movies are the silver bullet that everyone needs to combat the mental health issues that they are going through at any given time. However, it is fair to say that movies can provide people with a nice distraction away from whatever it is that is bothering them at this very moment. It may be necessary to seek professional treatment for certain levels of depression, stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues in your life. However, watching some movies can be a good place to start when you need to bridge the gap between where you are now and how you feel about the future.

With all of this in mind, you may want to consider the following films if you are feeling depressed at the moment and want to do everything in your power to try to change that.

Black Panther

This movie promotes the positive representation of African-Americans in society, and it makes many of them feel proud of their heritage and of their contributions to society.

Many people relate to the storyline of the movie and feel inspired by the way that the story is told. They appreciate the fact that there is an African-American superhero that they can look up to, and there is an overall great feeling about how the movie plays into the culture and landscape of the times that we are in now. If you want something that can serve as a pick-me-up during this time, then you should certainly consider Black Panther as an option for that.

Inside Out

This Disney film is currently available on their Disney + platform and is a great movie for exploring the emotions that live within all of us. It uses animated cartoons to help define various emotional experiences that virtually every human experiences at some point in their life.

Many people say that seeing the various emotions portrayed in such a way on the big screen has allowed them to see their own internal emotional experience as something that they can put a finger on and define more acutely for themselves. It is a very big deal for anyone who is struggling with some of their emotions to see how they may be able to view them in a different light going forward.

It's a Wonderful Life

This black and white classic holiday movie may be viewed at any time of the year when one is feeling a little down and needs a boost. It is a great movie that discusses what makes life truly rich and worth living. It is so easy for many of us to get caught up in the day-to-day of our existence that we forget that we need to step back and appreciate what truly matters. In other words, we all need to take a breath and understand that our true riches come from the time that we spend with our loved ones and the collective memories that we can collect with them. When we have that going for us, there is nothing that can stop us from living the best life that we possibly can.

Little Miss Sunshine

This is a quirky movie about an absurd family that all gathers up in a vehicle and travels 800 miles across the country so their daughter can compete in the Little Miss Sunshine pageant. They do everything that they possibly can to get her into that pageant, and you will be laughing all the way as this movie delivers killer line after killer line. Make sure you prepare yourself for all that this movie has to offer you. It is a delightful experience from start to finish, and many people have stated that it is a great movie to help get them out of any slump that they may be in as a result of depression. You definitely want to check this one out if you are feeling a little down at this time.

Movies can help us out when we are at our lowest, and it is worth checking out some of these great ones for getting you out of the slump when you need it most.