6 Useful Tips On How To Shoot A Perfect Company Commercial

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-camera-recorder-66134/

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-camera-recorder-66134/

6 Useful Tips On How To Shoot A Perfect Company Commercial

Shooting a company commercial or internal communication video can be tricky. The way it is different from a regular television commercial is what confuses most people. If you are working on your corporate video and have questions, here are six tips that would help you shoot the perfect video.

1. Hire a Professional

The high-end cameras, smartphones, and advanced technology allow anyone to shoot a commercial seamlessly. But what differentiates the professionals from the amateurs is the quality of the output, finishing the shoot on time, and savings on resources. If you are shooting a video for your company, you should hire an agency specializing in that space. If you are in Singapore, searching for corporate video production in Singapore will help you land the best suggestions on the video production companies in your region. As online listings come with ratings and reviews, you will be able to see honest feedback about the company's work from fellow clients and peers before you hire one.

2. Identify Your Audience

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-person-laptop-working-6326048/

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-person-laptop-working-6326048/

Knowing your audience is paramount not just for commercials but for all forms of communication and marketing. The messaging will be different for your board members, staff, PR team, and customers. So, identify your audience as the first step to building your corporate video. This would also help you determine how and where to share the videos once they are made.

3. Find Your Messaging

A corporate video could be made for numerous reasons. You could be announcing a merger or an acquisition, promoting a healthy workplace, building brand credibility, promoting your CSR activities, and so on. It is important to find your messaging and focus on building a storyboard around that. This would help you build a video that communicates with the target audience seamlessly without creating confusion.

4. Choose Between Actors and Employees

Most companies face the biggest challenge while deciding on a corporate shoot is whether to use their employees or actors. While using employee images and videos is a great way to showcase diversity and company culture, it has its cons. At any point, the employee could leave the organization, might not have a photogenic face, or cannot mouth the dialogues like a professional actor. The employee who has it all could not fit the equal-opportunity employer image you are trying to build. So, evaluate the pros and cons and go with the option that best suits your brand.

5. Drop the Jargon

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-person-laptop-working-6326048/

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-person-laptop-working-6326048/

If you are communicating with an audience beyond the boardroom, drop the corporate jargon. Talk like a human and converse in a natural flow. Build a script around the message you are trying to communicate and keep it simple. Unless the video is for your stakeholders and board members, nobody wants to hear too many stats. So, keep the message as simple as it can be. 

6. Keep It Short

The attention span of the audience is very small. This means your video has to be concise and to the point too. If your corporate video goes for anything over a minute, you might lose your audience's attention. Build a story, highlight the important points, and conclude with a few specific yet straightforward closing statements. It might also help if you capture your audience by making intros to your corporate videos so that they would know what content they're expecting in that video.

Happy Shooting! We hope these tips were helpful. Do share your thoughts, comments, and feedback in the comments section.