Posts tagged Super Bowl TV spot
EDITORIAL: Post-Super Bowl Challenge

The wild use of the word "expectations" is another soapbox for a different day (and soon), but I long for a day when the repetitive spoiler blathering could go away, allowing patience to create real hype, not the over-marketed variety we have now, to create a higher form of anticipation.  With that hope in mind, I have a challenge for all of you.

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MOVIE REVIEW: 10 Cloverfield Lane

It sure is nice to see a surprise stay a surprise.  In today's day and age of instant and nearly universal access to information, news, and buzz, it's very hard to keep anything the size of a movie a secret.  The filmmakers of "10 Cloverfield Lane" and its studio have pulled off a marketing stunt that has now paid off as a entertainment coup.  "10 Cloverfield Lane" is capricious blast of horror, drama, and science fiction all rolled into one twisty enigma.

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