Posts in "2 STARS"
MOVIE REVIEW: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, wrongfully on many levels, uses 9/11's tragedy to push a fictional story with fictional emotions to purposefully tug our heartstrings tied to a very real event.  Blame the 2005 source novel by Jonathan Safran Foer first, but the 2011 film's exploitative use of such a recent tragedy is a cold ploy and a mean trick.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Green Lantern

Unlike the trend to make comic book movies plausible and realistic, Green Lantern makes no qualms about being out of this world, literally.  You'll be getting starry galaxies and faraway planets, more colorful costumes than a Spider-Man flick, and the most alien species since a Star Wars prequel. You know what.  Let it be.  It's true to its source material, but, again, you're going to have to suspend your disbelief... not just a little bit... a lot of it...

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