Posts in "Advance Movie Review"

Contagion is at its best as an examination on the realistic levels of fear and paranoia that would strike our world if a disease came around that all of our Purell and flu shots couldn't beat.  The movie keeps a very methodical scientific point-of-view and depicts a broken-down order that doesn't coddle the formula to make good guys and bad guys out of the situation.  Everyone is a victim on some level and the movie keeps that compelling tone very well. 

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The fictional story of Larry Crowne is not unlike millions of other and more real American stories.  People are downsized, budget-cut, and let go at alarming rates in our present day.  People are taking extra and odd jobs just to make ends meet and the housing foreclosure crisis is unprecedented in our country's history.  The story and lesson here is how to bounce back and roll with the punches.  How do we best downsize our life when we ourselves are downsized?

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The new comedy Bridesmaids lets the girls get a shot at debauchery and toilet humor.  The results are hilarious, with a surprising touch of heart in a lot of places.  Every lady in America who has ever been a bride, a bridesmaid, or a maid of honor should see this movie.  You will either laugh at the moments that remind you of your own wedding party or laugh thankfully that none of these characters were anyone of you or someone your know.

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